nikol in hindi

Bridging... Local & Global

through connecting you to communities in rural Himalayas via retreats, community service projects, and skills sharing endeavors

Bridging... East & West

through understanding the nuances of two cultures seeming to imitate each other and sharing those insights with you

Bridging... Spiritual & Worldly Life

through navigating the balance between karma yoga and capitalist economies

Bridging... SimpleLiving & ModernTech

through mindfulness, sustainability and creative expression shared online

relativelyLocal - nicole jaquis - yoga in the modern world - holistic wellness consulting

Decolonizing Yoga and Honoring the Tradition: for Modern Yoga Practitioners and Teachers, Yoga Studios and Wellness Centers.
Offering on-site or remote consulting: guidance for start-up endeavors within the Wellness sector.
*manage and promote your wellness business as holistically as your practice
*make your life as inclusive, as you want your social media to display. - sadhana - yoga in the modern world, queering yoga

Sadhana Guidance through a decolonizing lens.
While Honoring the Roots of Yoga (the wisdom traditions of the Indian Himalayan Yogis), bring traditional hatha yoga, meditation and Ayurveda into your daily life without compromising your involvement in the world.
Transform your working from home into #theyogicoffice, by transforming your workspace one asana at a time.

Nicole Jaquis (Nikol Giri) - talking environment protection in Haridwar

With over 150 months experience living, studying, doing sadhana and seva in India, Nikol is able to give talks (online and in-person), where she can share her experience bridging the cultures of East and West. - holistic curriculum development - The Purpose of Education - by Anand Divedi APV School

The current state of any society is a direct reflection of its educational system. In order to substantially transform a society, first its system of education must evolve.

Holistic Curriculum Development provides alternative ways of raising and educating children, keeping not only their academics and creativity, but also their overall wellbeing in mind.

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