relativelyWhat? Nicole Jaquis’ engagement in the world

Start Small… Think big…

relativelyLocal Maintaining Engagement in the World while Living a Spiritual Life

relativelyLocal Engagement in the World while Living a Spiritual Life: Nicole Jaquis

relativelyLocal is not any sort of official consulting company, but more of a concept that drives my Engagement in the World while Living a Spiritual Life: working within the intersections of wellness, holistic education, spiritual tourism and media production.

Nicole Jaquis began using this umbrella term “relativelyLocal” in 2004, initially to describe their engagement within cross cultural collaborations (particularly between India and The West). Bridging Local and Global, East and West, Spiritual and Worldly, Simple Living and Modern Tech, though relativelyLocal, Nicole Jaquis has been collaborating with and providing consulting services for yoga teachers, schools and retreat centers globally.

Nicole Jaquis’ relativelyLocal engagement in the world via On-Site or Remote Consulting: Guidance for start-up endeavors within the Wellness, Holistic Education as well as Multimedia sectors.

Nicole Jaquis is available as a project based consultant to help you get set up and further develop along your path...


- as a guest teacher facilitating transformational retreats and workshops; as full time staff with a mix of organizational, curatorial, administrative, social media, hospitality, teaching and private coaching responsibilities; or as a project based consulting producing course materials (including Sanskrit typing and English translitteration).

Holistic Education:

- producing bi-lingual (Hindi-English) education learning materials from text books to facilitating practical learning activites, divising curriculum, and giving staff trainings.


- field producing and fixing shoots throughout India, location scouting, translating in the field as well as for subtitles; producing electronic music for video projects and playlists for transformational events.

relativelyLocal.... but what does that mean?

consider this...

rel·a·tive·ly adv
- in comparison with other things
lo·cal adj
-relating to, situated in, or providing a service for a particular area
-typical of, or only found in, a particular area
-performed, processed, or transmitted within the same computer or one in a readily accessible network
lo·cal n
-somebody who lives in a particular area, was born there, or has lived there for a long time
-a train or bus that stops at all the stations or stops on the route
-a local branch or office
glob·al adj
-relating to or happening throughout the whole world
-taking all the different aspects of a situation into account
-covering or affecting the whole of a computer system, program, or file
…local is a relative term. That to which wherever you have access, is indeed local.
Considering we now live in world where things that are global are locally accessible (albeit though technology driven connectivity), for me that poses one major question:
How does this change the relativity between us?


I envision a diverse global society that fosters collaboration over competition, celebrates our commonalities while acknowledging our differences, and honors mental, physical and spiritual wellness as a human right.


To contribute towards the spiritual evolution of our diverse global society, so that all genders (beyond the binary), races, and religions can unite under the shared value to protect the nature and live mindfully with one another.


I develop curriculum that contributes towards creating a new society, by incorporating holistic wellness, sādhana, rituals and transformational retreats into the education system, as well as for those to use in their every day life.

Who am I here to serve?

• Those who cannot imagine wellness is for them, reminding them it is not a luxury but a right.
• Anyone who feels drawn to what I may offer: queer/non-binary, BIPOC, working class and low income folks whose struggle to make ends meet inhibits their access to mental, physical and spiritual wellness, to the front!
• Organizations (schools, yoga studios, ashrams and retreat centers) who want to incorporate sādhana curriculum into their programs.

The minds of humanity are cluttered with entertainment via the media we consume, impressions meant to distract us into material consumption and political complacency. Intoxication has been the coping mechanism for the masses. We as a society need to unite under the guidance of the universe, by clearing our minds of muck and providing a solid connection to source, for our intuition to be heard loud and clear.

Thus so far with capitalism as its base, spirituality as an industry unfortunately has been adapted to further promote and encourage consumerism, greed and material gains –none of which leads us to true contentment. I have a lot to say about this... see my blog.

I am here to hold space for and help facilitate others in their inner journey work, guiding them in a personalized sādhana to fulfil their spiritual potential. To contribute to the evolution of society beyond the insatiable greed and materialism towards cultivating contentment, acceptance, surrender and gratitude.

relativelyLocal / Nicole Jaquis’ engagement in the world

sometimes I post about it…

Current Projects:

himalayan sadhana school - relativelylLocal transformational retreats
himalayan sadhana school -
