an Ardhanārīśvar Inspired Sadhana: a Haṭha Tantra & Trauma informed approach, going beyond pronouns and brave spaces.
Staff Class – recorded October 8, 2024 – Movement Studio, Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, New York, USA
This class is both for LGBTQIA and Allies, for practitioners, facilitators and anyone who is curious about:
- Sanathan Dharma (Hinduism’s) understanding of gender fluidity
- a Haṭha Tantric approach to gender: Who is Ardhanārīśvar?
- decolonizing / re-indigenizing gender norms
- un-gendering specific (left / right brain) qualities within a human
- gender neutral and trauma informed cueing in leading a yoga class
facilitating inclusive spaces for diverse communities
I also discuss Swara Yoga, the three major nāḍis (channels through which prāṇa moves), sun / moon energies and lead practices to help us observe and expand our prāṇa, towards left / right brain wholeness.